One Lane Road, Tuesday 3/25 (87 Elm Street to Gay Street)
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Voter Registration Deadlines

Election Day Registration Voters: If you are not already registered to vote, you may appear in person at the Registrar of Voters' office on Election Day, register, and cast a vote by Election Day Registration (EDR) ballot.

Please be aware that the Registrars must contact applicants' previous municipalities to confirm that new applicants have not already voted elsewhere before issuing a ballot. Allow sufficient time to cast your ballot by 8:00 p.m. 

Primary Deadlines

Application must be postmarked by the 5th day before a primary (or received by your Registrar of Voters or a voter registration agency by the 5th day before a primary). You may apply in person to your town clerk or registrar until 12:00 noon on the last business day before a primary.

3 Months Before Primary: Last day that enrolled elector can transfer from one party to another or, if unaffiliated electors are permitted to vote in a party primary, to erase from a party, and be eligible to vote in municipal primary of new party.

Election Deadlines

Your application must be postmarked or received by a voter registration agency by the 14th day before an election (or you may register in person with your Registrar of Voters by the 7th day before an election).

Privileges attach immediately upon approval of the application by the registrar, unless:

  1. the application is delivered in person to the registrar after the 7-day in person voter registration deadline; or
  2. the application is mailed or postmarked to the registrar or a voter registration agency after the 7-day mail in registration deadline before an election; or
  3. the application is made to a voter registration agency, made other than in person to the registrar, or postmarked, after the fifth day before a primary; or
  4. the application is made in person to the registrar after 12 noon of the last business day before a primary.

Absentee Voting

When Applications May be Made:

  • Beginning on the 31st day before an election
  • Beginning on the 21st day before a primary

Absentee Ballots Must be Returned:

  • by mail so that it is received by the municipal clerk no later than the close of the polls on the day of such election; or
  • returned by the elector in person to said clerk by the day before an election or primary.
A presidential ballot or overseas ballot must be mailed or otherwise returned by the elector or applicant so that it is received by the town clerk no later than the close of the polls on election day (Sec. 9-l40b).