Oversized Vehicles and Traffic Ordinance-April 1, 2025: Full enforcement with fine begins
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A-Z Guide

Absentee Ballots

Prior to elections and referenda, absentee ballots are available to qualified, registered voters at the Town Clerk’s Office. An application for an absentee ballot can be mailed to you upon request. Please call 860-738-6963 for assistance.

Ad Hoc Water Level Committee

The Town of Winchester regulates the water level at Highland Lake, and a small committee is formed to make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen on scheduled changes to the water level in the lake. The Board of Selectmen makes all appointments to the Ad Hoc Water Level Committee. For more information, please see their page on the Town’s website.

Adult Rec Leagues

Typically, the following leagues have been offered;

  • Coed softball
  • Men’s softball
  • Men’s basketball
  • Kickball
  • Cornhole

Check out Recreation (townofwinchester.org) for the most up to date information about recreational sporting leagues in which residents and non-residents can participate.


For more information, please visit the Winsted Area Ambulance Association website at winstedambulance.org. Their physical address is 655 Main St, Winsted, CT 06098. For Emergencies, Dial 911.

Ambulance Board

There is a Board that oversees the Winsted Area Ambulance Association’s functions; the Chief of Police, the Fire Chief, and the Mayor are all sitting members of that Board.

To learn more, see their website at winstedambulance.org.

Annual Budget Process

Each year, the Town Manager is responsible for the authoring of a proposed Town operating budget and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), which must be delivered to the Board of Selectmen for consideration by March 15th each year. This process involves receiving requests from department directors, Town boards and commissions, and related agencies such as Winchester Public Schools, and evaluating the requests for their ability to address the needs and wants of the town and their affordability. The document is then reviewed by the Board of Selectmen, which can make changes before they send it to the public for further consideration. The public has the ability to vote on the town budget both at Annual Town Meeting in early May and at the annual Budget Referendum in late May. The budget adoption timeline and process is outlined in the Town’s Charter.

Annual Budget Referendum

Every year, the Annual Town Meeting sets a date (in late May) for the annual budget referendum per the rules as outlined in the Town Charter. All individuals who are (1) property owners in town or (2) that are registered voters in town are allowed to vote on the annual town budget. If the vote passes by a majority, the proposed budget is legally adopted. If the vote fails by a majority, the Board of Selectmen is required to propose a new budget to the Annual Town Meeting, but there is NOT a requirement for that new budget to be lower than the first. Proposed and approved budget documents are posted here.

Annual Town Meeting

The Annual Town Meeting is held on the 2nd Monday in May each year. At this meeting, all (1) property owners in town and (2) all registered voters in town have the opportunity to vote on the budget at this meeting after hearing a presentation on the proposed budget from the Town Manager and the Superintendent of Schools.


The Assessors' Office is responsible for maintaining and creating the annual grand list. The list includes real property, personal property, and motor vehicles. All assessments are at 70% of its value in accordance with provisions of the Connecticut General Statutes.

For more information visit our website or call 860-379-5461.


For information regarding recreational basketball leagues for children and adults, please call the Recreation Department at (860) 738-6964.


The Town of Winchester has two beaches on Highland Lake: Holland Beach (located off W Wakefield Blvd, adjacent to the Boat Launch) and Resha Beach (located at the corner of E Lake St and Hurlbut St). Access to the beach is free, but parking at the beach sites during the peak season requires a Beach Parking Pass, only available for sale at Town Hall. Beach passes are sold on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Birth Certificates

Birth Certificates are available at the Town Clerk’s office. $15 for short form, $20 for long form. More information can be found at Town Clerk.

Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA)

The BAA is an official municipal agency, designed to serve as an appeal body for taxpayers who believe that town or city assessors erred in the valuation of their properties or erroneously denied them exemptions. It is important to note that the BAA is not an assessing agency; it does not value taxable property as that is the function of the assessors. In most cases the BAA operates as an intermediary level between the assessors and the courts. The BAA hears appeals on Real Estate and Personal Property. You can apply to have your case heard at these hearings between February 1st-20th each year, and the hearings are held in March. The BAA also hears appeals on Motor Vehicles. You can apply for these hearings in August, and the hearings are held in September. Applications are available online on the Assessor’s Office webpage. If you have any questions, reach out to the Assessor's Office at (860) 379-5461. Members of the Board of Assessment Appeals are appointed by the Board of Selectmen.

Board of Education (Winchester Public Schools)

Winchester has an elected nine-member Board of Education which is required by State Statute and Town Charter to oversee public education. Members are elected by registered voters in Winchester with elections occurring every two years in odd-numbered years. Regular Board meetings are usually held on the second Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m., except July. Meetings are held at the Town Hall, 338 Main Street, in the Francis P. Hicks Room on the 2nd floor, unless otherwise noted in the press prior to the meeting date. The public is invited to attend all meetings of the Board, however there is no public forum at workshops and personnel matters and contract negotiations are discussed in executive session as permitted by state law. The Board of Education welcomes all visitors interested in addressing the Board at regular Board meetings. In order to accommodate everyone, the Board will refrain from immediately responding to speaker inquiries during the public comment periods. The Board will answer all inquiries at the end of the agenda, if possible; or by future correspondence when the question requires additional research.

Board of Selectman

The legislative body of the Town of Winchester is comprised of seven elected members who are elected every two years in odd-numbered years. The vested powers of the Board of Selectmen derive from the Town Charter. They meet twice monthly, on the first and third Monday evenings at 7:00 PM in Winchester Town Hall. Citizens wishing to address the Board may do so during either of the two Citizens’ Comments portions of each meeting.

Boards, Commissions, and Committees

A full list of the town’s boards, commissions, and committees can be found on the town's website under the Government tab. Some boards, such as the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Education, are elected in odd-numbered years. Other boards and commissions are appointed by the Board of Selectmen or by the Town Manager. To volunteer for a Board or Commission, visit our website.

Boat Operator Certificate

There are regulations in the State of Connecticut regarding the use of personal watercraft, and Boat Operator Certificates are required in many cases. For information on Boat or personal Watercraft (PWC) operating certificates please visit the CT DEEP website.


State boat launches exist on both Highland Lake and Winchester Lake, and residents may use those spaces to launch their boats. Boats may also be rented by users at the Marina at Highland Lake.

Building Department/Housing Inspector

Permits can be applied for during normal business hours. To set up inspections, please contact us at 860-738-6593 ext. 310. More information can be found on the town’s website under the Building Department/Housing Inspector tab.

Building Permits

A building permit is a legal document required by the State of Connecticut Statute for changes made to real estate. An application must be filed and approved before beginning construction. Winchester’s building inspector can be reached at (860) 738-6593 x332. A building permit checklist can be found on the Town’s website.


Please reach out to the Department of Public Works at Office at 860-379-4070, rroy@townofwinchester.org, or hfox@townofwinchester.org for more information.

Business Registration

Businesses operating in the Town of Winchester should be registered with the State. You can do so at business.ct.gov.

Call Before You Dig

Before digging a hole or excavating on private or public property, call for the location of underground utilities at 1-203-281-5435 or 811.

Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)

Each year, along with the Town’s annual operating budget, the Town is required to create a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that is to be voted on by the public along with the budget. The CIP is a five-year plan that outlines all of the major one-time investments the town is planning to make to its buildings, vehicle fleet, equipment, parks and trails, and other related capital items. The Town’s approved and proposed annual operating budgets and CIPs are posted on the town’s website.


There are five cemeteries in Winchester:

  • Forest View Cemetery: located at 171 Rowley Street, Winsted
  • St. Joseph Cemetery: located at 89 Torringford St, Winsted
  • Winsted Old Burying Ground: located at 48 Grove St, Winsted
  • Winchester Center Cemetery: located on South Rd, Winchester Center
  • Danbury Quarter Road Cemetery (CAUTION, THE DIRT ROAD IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO PASS WITH A VEHICLE AND WE DO NOT RECOMMEND THE ATTEMPT): located on Old Danbury Quarter Road, Winchester Center.

The US Census is conducted every ten years. US Census Data is available on their website at census.gov.

Certificate of Occupancy

A Certificate of Occupancy, sometimes referred to as a "C.O." is the final step in executing a building permit. A certificate of occupancy is issued after the final inspection. No new structure may be used and no addition or building may be occupied until a "C.O." is issued. A Certificate of Approval is issued after inspections for all other building permits such as electrical or mechanical permits are obtained. For additional information, please call the Building Official at 860-738-6593 x332.

Chamber of Commerce

The Northwest Connecticut Chamber of Commerce is located at 59 Field Street, Suite 120, Torrington. More information can be found on their website or by calling 860-482-6586.

Charter Revision Commission

When the Town wishes to revise their Charter, they must first empanel a Charter Revision Commission to review and evaluate the proposed changes. A Charter Revision Commission is only an ad hoc group, meaning they meet only as assigned and when assigned. More information can be found about past Charter Revision efforts on the Town’s website.

Civic Organization List

There are many civic organizations that are active in our area – get involved!

Don’t see your organization listed? Email townmanager@townofwinchester.org to get your organization listed in the A – Z Guide.


Generally, complaints can be referred to our “Report a Problem” page on our website.

  • Blight Complaint Form
  • Citizen Compliment / Complaint Form
  • Health District
    Torrington Area Health District
    350 Main Street, Suite A
    Torrington, CT 06790-5000
    (860) 489-0436
  • Public Works
    Complaints regarding roadways, streets, sink holes, drainage problems, snowplowing, mailboxdamage and lawn damage due to snowplowing, street light repairs, median maintenance, parks maintenance (picnic tables, litter, property damage, benches, bleachers) and other miscellaneous items, please contact the Public Works Department at 860-379-4070.
  • School-Related
    Contact the Public School Department at 860-379-0706.
  • Unresolved
    Contact the Town Manager’s office for any unresolved complaints involving town services or town property at 860-738-6962 or by emailing thall@townofwinchester.org .

Conservation Commission

The Conservation Commission is a group of seven appointed individuals and additional volunteers that work on the Town’s behalf to further sustainability-oriented goals and ecological preservation. To learn more, visit their web page.

Day Care Center Information Line

Call 2-1-1 or 1-800-505-1000

Death Certificates

For more information contact the Town Clerk at 860-738-6963 ext.342 or email the Town Clerk at townclerk@townofwinchester.org.

Department of Transportation

State roads are plowed and maintained by the State of Connecticut’s Department of Transportation. The two largest State roads in Winchester and Winsted are Route 8 and US 44.

Directions to Town Hall

338 Main St Winsted, CT

Disability Services

For more information, contact the Department of Social Services at 860-853-6601 x323 or email socialservices@townofwinchester.org.

Dog Licenses

Dog licensing occurs annually in June. The cost of those licenses is as follows: Spayed or Neutered Dogs: $8.00 Others: $19.00 Lost Tags: $0.50 Guide Dogs: Free (Need Proof) Kennel Licenses (for 10 Tags): $51.00 (For Show, Sport, or Sale Only) Late Licensing Penalty: $1.00 per month Licenses are for good for 1 year: June 1 through June 1 of each year. Proof they have received an updated rabies vaccine is necessary. If you are late relicensing your dog, there will be a $1.00 a month additional fee charged. If your dog has been spayed or neutered, a certificate must be provided. Such information will be permanently recorded. A new dog can be licensed anytime during the year. Look for a notice about our rabies clinic which is usually offered during April, May, or June. Rabies shots are offered at a discounted rate and are given by the local veterinarian.


Dogs and other pets are permitted in non-restricted parks and recreation areas on leash only and under the control of their owner and/or keeper. Leashes shall not exceed seven feet in length. Please pick up after your pet.


To report a clogged or damaged drain or for information about stormwater drainage projects, please contact the Department of Public Works at 860-379-4070.

Economic Development Commission

The Economic Development Commission is a group dedicated to assisting the Town in enhancing the local economy. This is done through the creation of the Town’s annual job fair, through ribbon-cutting events that feature new businesses in town, through marketing campaigns, and more. The Economic Development Commission is comprised of eleven volunteers (full members and alternates) that are appointed by the Board of Selectmen. You can learn more about them on their webpage.


Elections are held each year on the first Tuesday following the first Monday of each month. Municipal elections are held in odd-numbered years. Presidential elections and Gubernatorial Elections are held in alternating even-numbered years (e.g. Presidential elections are held in 2024, 2028, 2032, etc. and Gubernatorial elections are held in 2026, 2030, 2034, etc.). You can register to vote online.

Electrical Permit

For more information contact the Building Official at 860-738-6593 x332.

Emergency Management

The Emergency Management Office is always available to answer your questions or concerns regarding emergency/civil preparedness for the community and your family. During an emergency activation or disaster, the Town of Winchester Civil Preparedness Office will utilize radio stations WTIC 1080 AM & 96.5 FM, WZBG 97.3 FM, and United Way of Connecticut 211 Info-line to communicate information to residents. More information can be found on the town’s website under the Emergency Management tab or by calling 860-379-8771.

Emergency Numbers

Call 9-1-1 in the event of an emergency.

Emergency School Closing

Announcements will be made on local radio and TV stations in case of inclement weather or other emergency closing.

Emissions Testing

Call 1-888-828-8399 for information about the State of Connecticut Emissions Testing Program or visit their website at ctemissions.com.

Ethics Commission

The Ethics Commission is an appointed body that investigates claims of ethics violations against town officials and staff on an ad hoc basis. If at any point in time there is a concern of an ethics violation, please contact the Town Manager at townmanager@townofwinchester.org or 860-738-6962 or the Mayor at mayor@townofwinchester.org. For meeting minutes and other information, please visit the Ethics Commission page on our website.

Feet First Foot Clinic

By appointment, a nurse provides this critical service for the foot health of members of the Senior Center. Call 860-397-8561 for an appointment.


The Director of Finance is responsible for the daily operations of the Accounting Department and Treasury Operations. The duties of the Director of Finance also include general administrative responsibility for the proper operations of the Tax Assessment, Tax Collections, Data Processing/Purchasing, and Payroll. For more information go to the Town’s website under the Finance tab or call 860-738-6961.


To report a fire please dial 9-1-1.

Fire Department

The Winsted Fire Department operates three pumpers, one rescue pumper, one tower ladder truck, a fire police vehicle, Chief vehicle, water tanker, supplemental first responder vehicle and one tactical vehicle. This apparatus is housed in three stations strategically placed within the town for quick emergency response. For more information, go to winstedfire.org or call (860) 379-5155. The Town of is also home to the Winchester Center Volunteer Fire Department; for more information, go to winchesterfire.org. Winsted and Winchester Fire Departments are volunteer fire departments, volunteer at winstedfire.org.

Fire Hydrants

Per town ordinance, the homeowner/business is responsible for clearing snow away from hydrants quickly after snowfall events. Please know where the fire hydrants are near your property and work with your neighbors to ensure all hydrants are clear and accessible.

Fire Marshal

The Fire Marshal is responsible for fire code administration, arson investigation, fire prevention and fire education programs. For additional information, please email firemarshal@townofwinchester.org or call (860) 379-3818.

Fire Reports

Most insurance companies require their policy holders to provide a copy of the Fire Department Incident Report when they have had a fire loss. These reports are available by contacting the Fire Marshal's Office by email firemarshal@townofwinchester.org or call (860) 379-3818

Food Matters!

Do you worry that your food will run out before you don’t have money to buy more? Contact one of the following - the conversation will be confidential. • Pam Carignan, The Salvation Army Regional Coordinator, 860-379-8444 • Katie Vaill, Town of Winchester Social Services Coordinator, 860-853-6601 • Jennifer Kelley, Winsted Senior Center Director, 860-379-4252 x4

FoodShare Mobile Pantry

Every other Tuesday, delivery at noon at 119 North Main Street, NCCC Greenwoods Hall, Winsted. The mobile food pantry is open to any community member who is in need of fresh produce and other food. Please bring bags for your food. If you have questions, call 860-331-8947 or 860-379-8444. If you need other help, call 211.

Friends of Main Street

Friends of Main Street Winsted is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting the historic preservation, beautification, and economic growth of Winsted. They achieve this by helping to attract new businesses, support existing businesses, and encourage traffic to downtown. To learn more, visit their website.

Fuel Assistance

The Department of Social Services can help you get connected to this service – please contact the Director of Social Services at socialservices@townofwinchester.org.

Garbage Collection

In Winchester, garbage collection is conducted through private vendors. Please contact either Paine’s or USA Hauling to get pricing and contract with a service provider. Trash can also be hauled to the Regional Refuse Disposal District #1 (RRDD1) in Barkhamsted.

Gilbert School Corporation, The

The Gilbert School Corporation has its own Board, five of which it appoints and four of which are appointed by the Winchester Board of Education (with Winchester Public Schools). This Board is responsible for overseeing the policy decisions of the Gilbert School and is the Board that approves a tuition rate to be sent to Winchester Public Schools to pay each year.

Gilbert School, The

The Town of Winchester does not have its own high school; instead, it sends its students in 7th – 12th grade to the Gilbert School, which is one of three privately-endowed academies in the State of Connecticut. The Gilbert School is a private entity that we pay tuition on an annual basis for the education of our children.

Grass Clippings

It is recommended that grass clippings be left on the lawn from which they were mowed. If this is not possible for any reason, composting is recommended.

Gun and Pistol Permits

You can only buy a handgun in Connecticut if, in addition to being a resident, you have a Valid Permit to carry Pistols or Revolvers, a valid Eligibility Certificate, if you are a licensed Firearms Dealer, or if you are a Sworn Police Officer. For more information concerning Connecticut Firearms Laws and regulations, please visit the state of Connecticut website. For information on how to obtain a gun or pistol permit, please visit our website.

Handicap Parking Permits

Please contact the Department of Motor Vehicles by calling 860-263-5700 or visit their website at https://portal.ct.gov/DMV for additional information.

Hazardous Waste Collection

Household hazardous waste is collected free-of-charge at certain times of the year at the Torrington Water Pollution Control facility. Please visit the RRDD1 website to learn more.

Hinsdale Renovation Committee

On July 29, 2019, the Winchester Board of Selectmen adopted a resolution to appropriate $17,425,000 to renovate the Mary P. Hinsdale Elementary School. That project was completed in 2022. For more information visit our website.

Historic Commission

The Board of Selectmen, in their meeting on Monday, August 21, 2023, made the decision to establish a Historic Commission.

This newly formed Commission will assume the following key responsibilities:

  1. The Commission, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, will be responsible for designating sites and buildings currently owned by or acquired in the future by the Town of Winchester as historic land sites. Upon approval by the Board of Selectmen, these designated sites will fall under the jurisdiction of the Commission. Additionally, the Commission may periodically recommend to the Town Manager and the Board of Selectmen the acquisition or release of further historic land sites.
  2. The Commission will act in an advisory capacity to provide guidance on the development, management, operation, improvement, and maintenance of the designated historic land sites. Furthermore, they will initiate and execute programs aimed at educating the general public about the historical, cultural, and economic heritage of the Town of Winchester.
  3. The Commission has the authority to establish subcommittees from its members to serve as Historic District Commissions. These subcommittees will focus on establishing and managing historic districts within the Town of Winchester.
    The appointment of Commissioners will be carried out by the Board of Selectmen. Those interested in volunteering for a Board or Commission are encouraged to visit the Town's website for more information.
Honor Flights Network

Honor Flights is a national program that honors our veterans with an all-expenses paid trip to the memorials in Washington DC. Veterans from all service areas are eligible who served during wartime but need not to have served in a combat zone. For more information or help to apply, contact Jen Kelley at the Winsted Senior Center at 860-379-4252 x4.

Housing Authority

The Housing Authority of the Town of Winchester, founded in 1956, offers Adult Living services to families and individuals of Winchester and surrounding communities. For more information visit the Housing Authority’s website or call 860-379-4573.


For more information, please call the US Citizenship and Immigration Services at 1-800-375-5283 or visit the website at uscis.gov.

Information Services

If you have a question regarding town services, please call the Town Manager’s Office at 860-738-6962.

Inland, Wetlands, and Watercourses Commission

This Commission oversees the State’s regulations on the protection of inland wetlands and watercourses. For more information, please visit our website.


Find the Town of Winchester at https://www.townofwinchester.org. There are two basic internet providers in Winchester: Frontier, which offers Fiber Optic service to select locations, and Spectrum.


A list of Town vacancies can be found on our website.

Justice of the Peace

A list of the Town’s Justices of the Peace can be found on our webpage or at the Town Clerk’s Office.


The Town has three primary lakes:

  • Highland Lake
  • Winchester Lake
  • Park Pond

State boat launches exist at Highland Lake and Winchester Lake.

Leaf Collection

Please continue to check the Town website for any changes to the leaf pickup schedule, as changes to the schedule may be necessary due to inclement weather. However, note: each street will be covered only once per year.

  • Only leaves placed in heavy biodegradable paper bags will be picked up.
  • Leaves placed in plastic bags and bags containing leaves mixed with other items such as branches, grass clippings, and brush will not be picked up.
  • Filled bags should contain only leaves and should weigh less than fifty (50) pounds.
  • Residents should leave filled bags curbside by 7:00AM on the first day of the scheduled pickup date for their location.
  • Loose leaves should not be raked onto sidewalks or roadways as they will not be picked up.
  • Residents may also bring their leaf-filled bags to the Regional Refuse District #1 landfill located on Route 44 in Barkhamsted, *provided that they have purchased a Sticker (Transfer Station Pass). Their phone number is 860-379-1972. Their website, which contains more information on obtaining a Transfer Station Pass, can be found here.
  • Finally, please be advised that no leaves will be accepted at the Town of Winchester Public Works Facility.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Department of Public Works at 860-379-4070.


Beardsley Library

40 Munro Pl, Winsted, CT


See Business Registration.

Dog Licenses: June is dog license renewal month in the State of Connecticut. Per State Statute, all dogs who are six months or older must be licensed regardless of the time of year. Dog owners must provide a valid rabies certificate and proof of the dog's spaying or neutering (if applicable) for a license to be issued. For more information, see Dog Licenses, visit our webpage or contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 860-738-6963.

Marriage License: There is no longer a waiting period for Marriage Licenses. For more information see Marriage Licenses, visit cotthosting.com/mm_ctwinchester or contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 860-738-6963.

Sporting Licenses: are available at the Town Clerk’s Office. Hunters must show hunter safety certification or a previous (within 5 years) resident hunting license. State of Connecticut Conservation/Firearms Safety Course information can be found by calling 860-424-3011. Children under 16 do not need a fishing license. For more information, see Sporting Licenses, visit our webpage or contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 860- 738-6963.

Other Licenses: For additional information on licenses, please contact the Town Clerk's office at 860-738-6963.


If you are seeking a map related to Winchester or Winsted, please visit the Land Use Department. Fees may apply if you are seeking a printed copy of a map.

Marriage License

To apply for a marriage license a couple must:

  1. Apply in the Town or City in which you are to be married.
  2. Provide names of parents (mother's maiden name) and where they were born.
  3. Pay a $50.00 fee, due at the time of application.
  4. Pay an additional fee of $20.00, which is charged for a certified copy of the marriage license.

There is no longer a waiting period; you will walk out of the office with the license in hand. Blood work is no longer required. Visit the Town Clerk’s Office to apply today or visit cotthosting.com/mm_ctwinchester

Meals on Wheels

If you are homebound and would like to receive Meals on Wheels delivered to you at home, call Western CT Area Agency on Aging at 203-757-5449 or 800-994-9422. A driver will bring a hot lunch and a cold dinner. Your doctor may have to confirm the need and if you require a special meal such as diabetic or heart healthy. Suggested donation: $5.00.

Mill Rate

The property tax rate is determined by dividing the total amount of the budget of the town by the Net Taxable Grand List that is produced by the Town Assessor. The Net Taxable Grand List is a listing of all the taxable Real Estate, Motor Vehicles, and Personal Property in the town as of the assessment date of October 1. A tax rate of one mill produces $1 of taxes on each $1,000 of property assessment. As of July 2023, Winchester’s tax rate has dropped from 33.54 to 26.39.


For information on steps you can take to minimize mosquito infestation, call the Health District at 860- 489-0436.

Motor Vehicles, CT Department of

The Motor Vehicle Department website is ct.gov/dmv. The phone number is 860-263-5700. Hours of operation are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:45a.m. – 4p.m.; Thursdays from 9:15a.m. – 5:30p.m.; and Saturdays from 8:00a.m. – 12:30p.m. Wethersfield Office - 60 State Street Wethersfield, CT 06161. Winsted Office- 151 Torrington Road Winsted, CT 06098-0649.


The Winchester Area is covered by the Winsted Citizen, the Republican American, and the Register Citizen.

Northwest Transit District (NWTD)

The Northwestern Connecticut Transit District was formed in 1987 and provides service to a fourteen (14) town region. The district operates a deviated fixed route service in Torrington, Winsted, and Litchfield and a Dial-A-Ride service in all fourteen (14) towns in the district. Dial- A-Ride was formed according to Connecticut Statutes regarding transit districts and has assumed operating responsibility for public transportation projects formerly sponsored by Torrington and Winchester; including Northwestern Connecticut Rural Transit. For more information, visit the NWTD website.

Notary Public

We have the applications on hand for those who want to become Notaries for no charge. When applying to the State, the application fee has gone from $60 to $120. We swear-in newly appointed Notaries who live in the Town of Winchester for a fee of $20.00, as required by the State. To register a change of name for a Notary, the fee is $15.00. To register a change of address for a Notary, the fee is $15.00. To notarize a document, the fee is $5.00 per signature. Payment of fees can be completed with cash or check only. For more information, please contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 860-738-6963.

Open Burnings

While open burning is permitted as a method to dispose of brush there are rules to be followed. Open burning always requires a permit. For information on how to obtain a permit please visit our website. The rules are in place for health and safety reasons as burning can impact air quality and pose a risk for uncontrolled fires that can have a negative impact on both natural resources and man-made structures. Burning may not be used as a method to clear land, burn leaves, household trash or construction debris. A garden hose or other source of water is needed for controlling the fire intensity and wetting down the area after the burn. Burn piles must be attended at all times by an adult. Additional information for open burning and recreational campfires is available on the CT DEEP website www.ct.gov/deep.


The laws enacted by the Town of Winchester’s Board of Selectmen are known as “ordinances,” and the Town has many of them. Click here to see the Town’s full code of ordinances.

Park and Ride Lots
  • Winsted Route 44 @ Barkhamsted Town Line
  • Harwinton Route 8 @ Route 118 (Exit 42)
  • Torrington W. Torringford & Charles St., St. Paul Church
  • Torrington Routes 4, 8 & 202 (Exit 44)
  • Torrington Route 4 @ Route 8 & Kinney Street
Planning & Community Development

The Planning and Community Development Department, known as the Land Use Department,provides town planning, environmental planning, development review and permittingassociated with residential, commercial, industrial and governmental land use projects.Management and support services are provided to the Winchester’s Planning and ZoningCommission, the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission, the Zoning Board of Appealsas well as the Economic Development Commission. Our mission is to provide high quality,efficient and comprehensive services through technology, communications and professionalismto ensure continuing enhancement of the quality of life.

  • Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meetings: 2nd and 4th Mondays of eachmonth
  • Economic Development Commission Regular Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of eachmonth
  • Zoning Board of Appeals: 4th Tuesdays of each month• Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission: 3rd Wednesday of each month

For more information visit our website or call 860-738-6593.

Planning & Zoning Commission

The Planning & Zoning Commission creates, reviews, and administers the Zoning regulations for the Town of Winchester. For more information visit our website.

Poison Control Center

Contact the 24-hour Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222

Police Department

It is the vision of the Winchester Police Department to provide exemplary community-oriented policing services; creating partnerships and problem-solving strategies that promote safety, security, and well-being for all. The Winchester Police Department is located at 338 Main Street, 1st Floor, Winsted, CT 06098. For more information visit our website or call 860-379-2721. In case of emergency, call 911.

Post Offices

Our Town’s post offices are located at:

  • 328 Main St, Winsted, CT 06098
  • 100 Newfield Rd Ste 20, Winsted, CT 06098
Probate Court

Connecticut’s Probate Courts protect the rights of individuals and ensure care, safety and community-based solutions for thousands of our most vulnerable residents and their families in times of need. Probate Courts handle a wide range of sensitive issues affecting children, the elderly, persons with intellectual disability and individuals with psychiatric disabilities, in addition to their traditional role of overseeing decedents’ estates and trusts. Click here to see the State’s webpage for probate courts.

Public Transportation

See Northwest Transit District.