Oversized Vehicles and Traffic Ordinance-April 1, 2025: Full enforcement with fine begins
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Town Vision / Mission Statement

Winchester Building
  • Land Area: 32 square miles
  • Distance to major cities:
  • Hartford = 24 miles
  • Boston = 111 miles
  • NY City = 97 miles
  • Providence = 87 miles
  • Bradley International Airport: 19 miles
  • Population: 10,650
  • Households: 5,212
  • Median Age: 36.8
  • Work Force: 5,865

Winchester Reports & Profiles:


The Town of Winchester/City of Winsted has a Town Meeting and Board of Selectmen form of Government, and is professionally managed by a Town Manager. Professional staff includes a Town Planner, Director of Public Works, Director of Finance, Purchasing Agent, Building Official/Zoning Officer, Fire Marshal, and Wetlands Enforcement Officer.

Development in Winsted is well served by a Planning and Zoning Commission, an Economic Development Commission (which is also the official Development Agency), and a Redevelopment Commission. There also exists a Zoning Board of Appeals, an Inland Wetlands Commission and a Conservation Commission.

The Town of Winchester/City of Winsted has just completed a Main Street Enhancement Plan which is the blueprint for the revitalization of Winsted's downtown commercial core. The Plan includes a landscaped center median for the Main Street, expanded sidewalks, a five-mile long recreational trail (connecting Winsted to Torrington), attractive pedestrian-scale lighting, street furnishings, signage, and site landscaping. Winchester/Winsted was recently awarded a $920,000 federal grant to complete phase I of the Enhancement Plan. Additionally, the Town's Redevelopment Commission has just completed a Strategic Plan of Redevelopment. This Plan analyzes the economic and physical potential for the commercial and residential areas in the downtown center of Winsted and recommends a plan for improvement.

Supplementing the Main Street Enhancement Project and the Redevelopment Plan are two additional projects currently under way. First, Winchester/Winsted has partnered with its neighbor, the City of Torrington, in an effort to plan and construct the five mile long Still River Greenway. Winsted has been designated the lead agency in this 1.8 million dollar federal/local project. The Still River Greenway will span approximately 2.5 miles in both Torrington and Winsted, allowing walkers, cyclists, joggers and inline skaters to tour the beautiful banks of the Still River. Visitors of the trail will be able to access the Still River Greenway directly from downtown Winsted and from Winsted Road in Torrington. Town staff is currently working with consultants to finalize design plans.

The most recent economic revitalization project under way is the Town's Brownfields project. The U.S. EPA awarded the Town a $200,000 grant to conduct environmental assessments on potentially contaminated manufacturing sites located in Town. The program will also educate the general public on the impacts and potentials of Brownfields. The Town is currently testing the eighth property for redevelopment.

The Economic Development Commission is currently marketing its second industrial park-Winchester Business Park. The Winchester Business Park, a 13 lot, fully serviced industrial subdivision, is the result of a partnership between the Town and the State Department of Community and Economic Development (DECD). The Economic Development Commission and Town of Winchester/City of Winsted are committed to developing a mix of industrial/high tech/office buildings in an environment which compliments existing sites and projects a quality image.

Our development team is ready to assist you with your business needs. We look forward to being your partner and helping you to achieve your business goals and grow your business in Winsted!

For more information, contact the Town Planner at 860-738-6593 (Fax: 860-738-7053)

Planning Department
Town Hall
338 Main Street
Winsted, CT 06098


Town Manager at 860-738-6962 (Fax: 860-738-7053)