Oversized Vehicles and Traffic Ordinance-April 1, 2025: Full enforcement with fine begins
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Senior Center

(860) 379-4252
Primary Contact:
Jennifer Kelley
Senior Center
80 Holabird Avenue
Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday 8AM - 3PM


Nestled in the neighborhood, on the corner of Holabird Avenue and Chestnut Street in Winsted, is the Winsted Senior Center. Stop by and see what we are all about! We look forward to having you join us.

The mission of the Winsted Active Aging Senior Center is to provide a welcoming place for members to gather and meet old friends and make new ones, have a great experience, take trip, practice healthy aging, learn about services and benefits…to ensure a community of happy, healthy, curious and safe adults age 55+. In the 57 years since the Winsted Senior Center was established, there have a been a lot of changes. The years passing by, have built and strengthened our family of friends.
We decided to re-brand our center to highlight our vision. Active aging can be defined as a strategy to help maintain someone’s quality of life by staying active and engaged as they age. It looks different for everyone, but it has been proven to help people to live longer and more fulfilling lives.

Programs and Services include: daily lunch program; daily free fitness classes; local van rides for medical appointments, shopping, socializing and errands; weekly card games and BINGO; day and overnight trips; monthly food bag distribution; health screenings and vaccine clinics; special holiday luncheons with entertainment; simple income tax prep; renter's rebate applications; AARP Smart Driver classes; and much more.

The Center publishes a monthly newsletter that lists all the programs and services offered along with the menu for our daily lunch program. The newsletter is available at the Center and many locations in Town, online, by email or it can be mailed to your home for $9 for a year.

Membership dues are $6 for the year and if you are age 85+, membership is free..

Fitness Classes are Free!

Chair Yoga, Mondays & Fridays, 9:00am
Practice warm-ups and gentle weight bearing movements that strengthen your body and improve your balance to help reduce the risk of falling. Most movements can be done on a chair or standing. Classes are offered in-person or by Zoom.
Tai Chi, Mondays & Fridays, 10:15am
Get started...learn to protect your heart, improve your balance and flexibility, prevent joint injuries, increase focus and reduce stress and anxiety by following this traditional Chinese meditation and healing practice.
Strong & Stretched, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:00am
Improve the quality of your life by lifting weights which helps rebuild the muscle that is lost as we age and stretching which helps improve flexibility, balance and range of motion. Class uses hand weights, fitness bands and bounce balls. 
Noodle Fit, Tuesdays & Thursdays at 10:00am
With great music and movement our new class will get your blood flowing to improve your circulation, blood pressure and cognitive skills as well. Noodle Fit is a great physical activity and a whole lot of fun.
Dancercize , Wednesdays, 9:00am
Always fun! Workout along to easy-to-follow dance and exercise moves in fun combinations to popular and classic music. No experience required, give it a try.
Line Dancing, Wednesdays, 10:00am
Join the gang and learn all the steps, shuffles and movements of this popular dance style. Newbies always welcome.

Senior Van Rides
Winsted Senior Center’s Van is for residents of Winchester and Winsted, age 55 or older and people with a disability, for travel in Winchester and Winsted only, Monday thru Friday. To make a reservation, call the office, 860-379-4252 x1, at least 24 hours in advance. Rides are available Monday thru Friday, between 8:30am-noon.
Medical Appointments
Medical appointments are our priority. Please do not make medical appointments before 9:00am or after 11:30am
Shopping or Errands 
Limit of 4 bags per person. The driver will tell you when he will be back to pick you up. You must be there at that time and place. The driver does not have time to wait, to look for you and cannot carry your bags.
The Senior Center and our driver take your safety very seriously and take great pride in being able to provide transportation for you. Remember…one stop per ride and please be patient. The driver is very busy. Please be ready to be picked up 5 minutes before your pick-up time and 5 minutes after. We try to get you to your appointment on time, but you may have to wait to be picked up to go home. Seatbelts are required.
Riders who are late for their pick-up time or do not cancel that morning by 8am, will receive a verbal warning. The second time, rider will receive a written warning plus one-week suspension from riding. The third warning, the rider will receive a three-month suspension from riding.
The suggested donation per ride is $1. 
If you have any questions, suggestions or complaints, please stop by or call Jennifer Kelley, Director, 860-379-4252 x4.
Title VI Policy - Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin in programs receiving Federal financial assistance. The Town of Winchester and Winsted Senior Center are committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation, denied benefits or otherwise subjected to discrimination under any of our programs or activities ensuring full compliance with the Title VI Civil Rights Act.
Title VI Notice to the Public 
Transportation Options - Unfortunately, there are times when Winsted Senior Center cannot provide a ride, please refer to our list for other options.

Meal Programs
Daily (Congregate) Lunch, Monday through Friday, 11:45am
Stop by and enjoy a delicious and affordable lunch and socialize with your friends. Menus are published in our monthly Newsletter and are planned by a registered dietician. To make a reservation, call the Center at 860-379-4252 ext. 2, by 11:30am, the day before you wish to join us. Suggested donation: $4
Home Delivered “Meals on Wheels”
If you are homebound and would like to receive Meals on Wheels delivered to you at home, call Western CT Area Agency on Aging at 203-757-5449 or 800-994-9422. A driver will bring a hot lunch and a cold dinner. Your doctor may have to confirm the need and if you require a special meal such as diabetic or heart healthy. Suggested donation: $5

Activities, Services & Educational Programs
BINGO! Fridays, 12:45pm
Enter through the Sunroom, the door opens at 12:30pm. Pay for your cards at the office window. Each card 50 cents. We suggest that you bring your own BINGO chips, but we will have some for you to borrow. 
Cards, Tuesdays, 12:45pm
The group always welcomes new players. If you don’t know how to play the game, they are happy to teach you. Drop-ins are welcome.
Active Aging Programs
Information sessions and classes with authorities, experts and celebrities are listed in our monthly Newsletter. 
Facebook Page
“Winsted Senior Page” was created to let people know what is happening at the Center.
Feet First Foot Clinic by Visiting Nurse and Hospice of Litchfield County
By appointment, Joanie, a nurse (angel), provides the critical service for members’ foot health. Call 860-397-8561 for an appointment.
FoodShare Mobile Pantry, Every other Tuesday, delivery at noon, 119 North Main Street, NCCC Greenwoods Hall, Winsted
The mobile food pantry is open to any community member who is in need of fresh produce and other food. Please bring bags for your food. Questions, call 860-331-8947 or 860-379-8444. If you need other help, call 211.
FOOD Matters! Do you worry that your food will run out before you don’t have money to buy more? (The conversation will be confidential)
Katie Vaill, Town of Winchester Social Services Coordinator, 860-853-6601
Jennifer Kelley, Winsted Senior Center Director, 860-379-4252 x4
Friendly Hands Food Bank, Torrington, 860-482-3338
Friendly Hands Food Bag Distribution, 3rd Thursday of the month, 10:30am pick-up
To participate, you must complete Friendly Hand’s Form which is available at the Center. You must be a current WSC member to participate. This is a great opportunity, so don’t miss out! If you live at Chestnut Grove, Greenwoods Gardens, Laurel Commons, Carriage Maker Place, The Glen or Susan B. Perry, please get a Form from your site manager or RSC and your food bag will be delivered to your housing site.
HHC Neighborhood Health Clinic, scheduled Thursdays, 11am-3pm 
The Hartford HealthCare clinic offers age-based medical screenings including physical exams, glucose finger stick, urine dip, blood pressure screenings, behavioral health concerns, community resources, COVID vaccines. On-site financial assistance is available, insurance is excepted but not required. 
Library &Technology
The Center receives the Republican newspaper daily and has a book, magazine and puzzles lending library, members are welcome to sit in the sunroom and read or borrow the donated items to bring home. The Wi-Fi password is available for members to use while they at the Center.
Monthly 50/50 Raffle
$1 raffle tickets are available at the office with the proceeds being split evenly between the winner of the drawing and the Center on the first of each month. 

Community Programs

Are You Looking for a Job?
If you are age 55+, unemployed and want to learn new skills? The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) provides paid, part-time training opportunities for eligible, mature workers to develop skills and gain work experience. For more information call 203-833-1422 or visit www.a4td.org.
Winsted Lion’s Club
Discover the kindness in our community, if you, a friend or neighbor is in need of hearing aides or new glasses, the Winsted Lions Club may be able to help. Or, if you would like to be part of this global organization located right here in Winsted, please call Carol Delutrie at 860-984-6021.
Honor Flights Network
Honor Flights is a national program that honors our veterans with an all expenses paid trip to the memorials in Washington DC. Veterans from all service areas are eligible who served during wartime, but need not to have served in a combat zone. For more information or help to apply, contact Jen at 860-379-4252 x4. 
Medicare Questions?
Please consider calling one of our trusted partners to best answer your questions: WCAAA CHOICES counselors at 203-757-5449; Ann Bowen, Bowen Agency, 860-379-2885; Kerri Oulette, Oak Solutions, 860-806-9591; Daphne Roberson, Roberson Tierney, 860-379-6700. 
Helping Hands Chore Services
If you, a family member, a friend or a neighbor need quality, affordable homecare services to help to stay safe and independent at home, contact Helping Hands to learn more. 860-379-4900.
New Opportunities
Offers access to many community programs and resources including State of CT Energy Assistance Program.

Trips, Trips and More Trips

For an updated list of the trips, refer to the WSC monthly newsletter, stop by the Center for an informational flyer or call 860-379-4252 x1. 


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Staff & Contacts

Jennifer Kelley
Craig Closson
Office Assistant
Leron Williams
Van Driver
Ann Sears
Per Diem Office Assistant

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