One Lane Road, Tuesday 3/25 (87 Elm Street to Gay Street)
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Town Grants

The Town of Winchester, CT has a robust team of staff members that seeks, applies for, and has been successful at winning millions of dollars in grant funding for the Town.

Click here to see the Town's latest Grants Report.

In 2022 alone, the Town was able to receive over $5 million in competitive grants thanks to this process. This includes:
  • $1.8 million from the CT Communities Challenge Grant.
  • $3.38 million from Congressionally Directed Spending.

CT DOT has recently awarded the Town with 100% funding for multiple projects, including the Case Avenue Bridge and the Taylor Brook Bridge. These projects would have otherwise been paid for, in part, by the Town's bonding process. These awards will save the Town hundreds of thousands of dollars going forward.

In March 2023, the Town applied for $9.4 million in Congressionally-Directed Spending Projects. In May 2023, the Town was notified by Senator Chris Murphy's office that ALL of these applications have been forwarded to the US Senate's Appropriations Committee. If approved, this would provide funding for the following projects:
  • $1.98 million for the expansion of the Elm Street Firehouse.
  • $2 million for the completion of the Sue Grossman Greenway in Winsted.
  • $96,000 for the digitization of land records.
  • $952,000 for improvements to 44 Elm Street.
  • $1.86 million for improvements to the dam and culverts surrounding Tatros Pond Park.
  • $1.96 million for improvements to the Town's sewer treatment plant.
  • $640,000 for the extension of sewer lines down Rowley Street.
These are all projects that would otherwise have to be funded by Winchester taxpayer dollars. The Town continues to work hard to ensure that local property taxes stay as low as possible.

If you are aware of other grants that the Town may be eligible for, please let us know by emailing!