One Lane Road, Tuesday 3/25 (87 Elm Street to Gay Street)
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History of the Winsted Fire Department

Winsted Fire Department - Organized 1862

"Building on more than a century of experience, the Winsted Fire Department is committed to being responsive to the needs of our community, along with continuing to provide dependable Fire and Rescue services."

The Winsted Fire Department was organized with four fire companies in 1862. These companies were, and are still presently known as Union Engine Company One, Deluge Engine Company Two, Niagara Engine Company Three, and Cascade Engine Company Four.

In 1879, to meet the needs of a growing community, the Aerial Ladder Company was formed and is presently known as Tower Ladder Company One.

In 1968 the Fire Police, with the main job of providing traffic and crowd control at fire scenes, was organized and added to the list of companies.

The Winsted Fire Department is a proud organization with a foundation rich with tradition, history and legend. Many members are second and third generation Firefighters.