One Lane Road, Tuesday 3/25 (87 Elm Street to Gay Street)
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Directions to Winchester Housing Authority

  • Traveling Route 8 North, follow the highway until it ends (shortly after exit 46)
  • At the end of the ramp, take a right onto South Main Street (Route 44 West) in Winsted
  • South Main will turn into Main Street almost immediately
  • Travel straight through 2 traffic lights (the two travel lanes will merge into one)
  • You will see St. Joseph Catholic Church on the hill on the right and the travel lanes will split into two lanes again
  • Chestnut Street is directly after the church and right before ABC Pizza
  • Turn right onto Chestnut Street. This is a one-way road.
  • Our driveway is on the right, at the crest of the hill. You have gone too far if you reach the stop sign.
  • Please use the lower level visitor parking lot (you will drive pass the main entrance to get there).