One Lane Road, Tuesday 3/25 (87 Elm Street to Gay Street)
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Become a Firefighter

To become a member of the Winsted Fire Department, a candidate must meet the following

  • 18 years of age
  • Apply to one of the listed fire companies
  • Pass a physical examination conducted by a department physician
  • Successfully complete a state certified Firefighter I course within two years of acceptance 
The benefits of becoming a member of the Winsted Fire Department are:

  • Satisfaction of serving your community and neighbors in their time of need
  • Departmental paid training
  • Pension benefits after required service terms
If this information sounds exciting, and you desire to assist your community and the Winsted Fire Department, please contact the Fire Chief, Fire Marshal, or any Firefighter. You can also stop at any fire station for further information and an application for candidacy.