One Lane Road, Tuesday 3/25 (87 Elm Street to Gay Street)
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American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)

In 2021, the federal government announced that the Town of Winchester would receive $3,138,260 in funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Funds can only be used in accordance with the act, which generally allows for the support of public utilities, elements of economic development, elements of social services, pandemic-related emergency services, and recovering lost municipal income. Please note that school-related expenditures are not permitted with these funds. The Town received the first half of this grant in July 2021, and the latter half will be given to the Town on July 1, 2022.

Mid-2021, the Board of Selectmen empowered the Town Manager to convene a group of staff members, residents, and Selectmen to consider possible uses of these funds and to make a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen for their recommendation. At the November 15, 2021 meeting of the Board of Selectmen, the initial recommendations of this committee were presented. This initial ("Phase 1") set of proposals totals $1,433,236 (45.67% of the total funds to be received by Winchester) and will help fund 17 different projects that focus on making crucial investments in the town and its residents. The presentation document that was developed by Town Manager Josh Kelly can be found here, and the recording of the meeting on the evening of November 15 can be found here (the presentation begins at approximately the 51 minute mark). To view backup documentation, please email the Town Manager. These projects were approved by the Board of Selectmen at their December 6, 2021 meeting.

A "Phase 2" set of proposals, which will encompass the remainder of the total $3,138,260 that the Town will receive from this act, will be brought forward to the Board of Selectmen at a later date, between now and July 1, 2022, which is when the latter half of the ARPA funds will be given to the town by the federal government.

To submit public comment on use of the ARPA funds, please email Josh at or attend an upcoming Board of Selectmen meeting and provide a verbal comment during one of the public comment sections of the meeting.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Q: Can roadwork qualify for ARPA funding?
    • A: No, roadwork does not qualify for ARPA funding. For more information about the Town's plans to conduct roadwork, please click here.
  • Q: Can school-related projects qualify for ARPA funding?
    • A: No, school-related projects do not qualify for ARPA funding. Schools received their own funding from the American Rescue Plan Act that can be used towards school-related projects.