One Lane Road, Tuesday 3/25 (87 Elm Street to Gay Street)
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Absentee Voting

Absentee Ballot Applications are available from the Winchester Town Clerk or online.

If you have a valid Connecticut DMV ID, you can make your absentee ballot request online!

Mail or deliver the completed form to the Winchester Town Clerk:
  • Town of Winchester
    Town Clerk's Office
    338 Main Street
    Winsted, CT 06098

Permanent Absentee Ballots
Public Act 12-57, "An Act Concerning Permanent Absentee Ballot Status for the Permanently Disabled" created permanent absentee balloting status for certain individuals and become effective January 1, 2013.
In General
  • To be eligible for permanent absentee ballot status, an elector must file with the Town Clerk an absentee ballot application ( together with a certification from a primary care provider stating that they have a permanent disability and are unable to appear in person at their polling place. The primary care provider note should be on letterhead. There is no prescribed form- the primary care provider note, and the absentee ballot application would satisfy the requirement of the law. Permanent absentee ballot status enables the elector to recieve an absentee ballot for each election, primary, and referendum in the municipality in which they are eligible to vote. Absentee ballots are available 21 days before a Primary and 31 days before an Election.    
  • In January of each year the Registrar of Voters will send written notice to each elector with permanent absentee ballot status to determine if the elector continues to reside at the address on the permanent absentee ballot application. If the elector fails to respond to the notice, the permanent absentee ballot status will be removed, but the elector will remain on the voter registration list. 

For more information about absentee voting, call the Town Clerk's Office at 860-738-6963.