One Lane Road, Tuesday 3/25 (87 Elm Street to Gay Street)
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Fall River Cleanup

Friends of Main Street is partnering with the Winchester Conservation Commission to hold its Annual Fall River Cleanup along the Still and Mad Rivers! 
Our Fall River Cleanup collaborates with the Farmington River Watershed Association (FRWA) and the Source to Sea Cleanup. With the help of members, volunteers, and the community, the FRWA leads in protecting and restoring the Farmington River. The Source to Sea Cleanup is a powerful and effective community event spanning the length of our 410-mile watershed in NH, VT, MA, & CT.

  • Pre-register as an Individual or a Group.
  • An adult must accompany children 18 and under.
  • Clothing:  Bring and wear gloves. If you plan to go to the riverbanks, bring your waders!
  • Inclement Weather:  This outdoor event can result in cancellation on the same day. The rain date is Sunday.​
  • Meet-Up:  Tent at East End Park at 9:30 a.m. During registration/check-in, be sure to 
  • Bagged trash: Before noon, bring your filled trash bag(s) to the Public Works truck parked near the Park. ​