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Town Seeks Proposals for Sale & Development of Mountainside Drive (118 Acres)

Posted on
May 16, 2023
Town Manager's Office
The Town of Winchester, CT is seeking proposals for the sale and development of Mountainside Drive, a 118 acre parcel off of Wallens Hill Road. This parcel was in the process of being developed as a subdivision back in the late 2000s and has been vacant ever since, though utilities have been connected to a portion of the lot already. The Town now seeks a firm interested in purchasing the property and creating a community of high-quality housing and amenities on the lot.

The Town issues this RFP in order to select the proposal that assures the best overall development of this area and that will provide the Town with positive grand list growth. The Property may be sold to the proposer submitting a proposal that a selection team evaluates as being the most responsible and advantageous to the Town of Winchester. The quality of the property development plan, experience and capability of the prospective purchaser/developer, and the proposed financial benefits for the Town are among the evaluation criteria as noted later on in this document that will be used to make that decision. The manner in which the Property is developed shall be consistent with the Town of Winchester’s Plan of Conservation & Development and all applicable town, state, and federal codes and regulations.

The sale and development of the Property shall aim to accomplish the following goals:
  1. Create a new, sustainable, residential use for the Property.
Proposals submitted to the Town should focus on providing significant residential usage on the site that will greatly enhance the Town’s grand list and provide meaningful types of housing to key demographics, including but not limited to seniors and first-time homebuyers. The Zoning Regulations can be found on the Town’s website, the property is located in the Rural Residential Zone.
  1. Provide financial benefits to the Town via a combination of the initial sale price and grand list growth.
The Town hopes that proposals put forward will greatly improve the site’s grand list value and expand Winchester’s tax base.
  1. Provide amenities on the site that will help build Winchester’s character as a desirable place to live with a high quality of life.
The Town will favor proposals that take amenities in this new neighborhood into account and seek to invest in such amenities for the betterment of the people who will live at this new development (and perhaps beyond). Such amenities may include, but are not limited to: playground space and equipment, tennis and/or pickleball courts, a pool, trails, bocce courts, and other outdoor recreational spaces and facilities.
  1. Provide an aesthetically pleasing new development that will continue to enhance the value and desirability of the surrounding neighborhood.
  1. Protect natural lands.
The Property includes some inland wetlands, which the Town expects any developer to consider and protect in their proposed developments.
  1. Select a bidder who has experience with similar projects, provides solid references, and is able to proceed with the development project in a timely manner.

Proposals are due back to the Town of Winchester by 9:00 AM sharp (no late entries) on Monday, July 17, 2023. Each proposer shall submit three (3) paper copies of the proposal (one of which shall be the original) OR a digital/electronic copy saved on a USB (jump/thumb) drive, complete with all supporting materials, to the Office of the Town Manager, 338 Main St, Winsted, CT 06098, no later than the date and time as marked at the beginning of this RFP. The sealed proposal shall be marked “Proposal for Mountainside Drive Property.” Responses to the RFP must include all required documents, completed, and signed per the instructions and attached forms included in this RFP package. Emailed and faxed proposals will not be accepted and will be deemed non-responsive and will not be evaluated. No proposals submitted after the above-referenced deadline will be accepted.

Follow this link to see the full RFP document: