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Town of Winchester contemplating a project to replace White Street Bridge and Grantville Bridge

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April 9, 2024
Public Works
Mayor Arcelaschi announced that the Town of Winchester is contemplating a project to replace the Grantville Road Bridge (Bridge No. 05132) over the Mad River and the White Street Bridge) Bridge No. 05126 over Still River both in the Town of Winchester. The bridge replacement project would receive Federal funds under the Federal Local Bridge Program administered by the Connecticut Department of Transportation. 
If undertaken, the project design would be expected to begin in April 2024, with construction likely in 2027.
 Mayor Arcelaschi points out that local and state policy encourages early information to citizens on such projects and encourages people to raise any concerns with municipal officials early in the planning process. Persons wanting additional information should contact Jim Rollins, Director of Public Works at (860)379-4070.
The Town would receive at least 80% reimbursement from federal aid for all three phases of the project (Design, Rights-of-Way and Construction) with the remaining funds from the state to cover 100% of the costs associated with the bridge replacement. 
The federal aid for the project was authorized under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) administered by the Federal Highway Administration and the Connecticut Department of Transportation.