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Oversized Vehicles and Traffic Ordinance

Posted on
February 4, 2025
Board of Selectmen
  • February 3, 2025: Ordinance #367 approved by the Board of Selectmen
  • March 1-31, 2025: Warning period
  • April 1, 2025: Full enforcement with fines begins
Chapter 367. Oversized Vehicles and Traffic
 Article IX. Oversized Vehicle Weight Limits and Parking Restrictions

[Adopted effective 9-10-1985 (§ 141 of the prior compilation)] (Amended 202X)
§ 367-31. Definition.
 As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

 Oversized Vehicles

 Every motor vehicle or portion thereof, other than public safety, municipal and municipal purpose vehicles, having a gross vehicle weight (GVW) of 13,500 pounds and/or over.
§ 367-32. Prohibited streets.
 No person shall operate an oversized vehicle, as herein defined, in a northerly direction on Case Avenue from Main Street north to Gay Street.
§ 367-33. Parking restrictions.
 The parking of oversized vehicles, as herein defined or any portion thereof, shall not be permitted on any public street or right of way except under the following circumstances: oversized vehicles and/or equipment related to ongoing construction activities at an adjacent property or commercially registered oversized vehicles used solely for personal transportation purposes only. Under no circumstances shall overnight parking of oversized vehicles, as herein defined or any portion thereof, be permitted unless authorized by the local traffic authority. Oversized vehicles used for purposes of temporary moving and or delivery of items shall be allowed for temporary parking.
§ 367-34. Penalties for offenses.
 Any person violating the terms of this article shall be fined not more than $250 for each offense.