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Codified Ordinances Launched Online

Posted on
April 24, 2023
Board of Selectmen
On Monday, April 17th, the Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to adopt a new codification for the Town's Code of Ordinances. Previously, the ordinances were all numbered and organized in a different manner, and this process has attempted to standardize and organize the ordinances to a far greater extent. The project has also put the Town's ordinances online in a searchable format, where the ordinances were previously uploaded as unsearchable PDF documents.

Click here to see the newly-codified ordinances, along with the Town Charter.

This process has included General Code’s legal team, the Town Attorney, the Town Manager, members of the Board of Selectmen, and members of the Town’s staff reviewing the ordinances for inconsistencies and outdated information and making corrections in those areas.
Codified Zoning regulations and Inland Wetland regulations will be reviewed and adopted by the Planning & Zoning Commission and by the Inland Wetlands Commission respectively, not by the Board of Selectmen. These approvals will occur in the next few weeks; those different regulations will be uploaded to ECode once final approvals are given.