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Appeals-Motor Vehicle 9/14/2024

Posted on
September 6, 2024
Board of Assessment Appeals

Board of Assessment Appeals

All owners of motor vehicles registered in the Town of Winchester are advised that the Board of Assessment Appeals will meet in open session on Saturday, September 14, 2024 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm at the Winchester Town Hall, 338 Main St. The sole purpose of this Session is to hear appeals relating to the assessment of motor vehicles on the 2023 Grand List.

All persons claiming to be aggrieved by the doings of the Assessor regarding motor vehicles are hereby notified to appear and make their appeal at this meeting. The vehicle, or proof substantiating your claim should be made available at that time.

Appeals applications are available in the Assessors Office, or upon request at (860) 379-5461.